Binary to hexadecimal conversion calculator

This binary to hex calculator converts binary numbers to hexadecimal representation. The binary to hex conversion process involves grouping binary digits into sets of 4 and then converting each group into its equivalent hexadecimal digit.

The calculator performs this conversion process automatically, allowing you to input a binary number and obtain its equivalent hexadecimal representation. This can be useful for individuals working in fields such as computer science and electronics where binary and hexadecimal numbering systems are commonly used.

The calculator has a field to enter a binary number and a button to convert it to hexadecimal. When the button is clicked, the calculator will convert the binary number to hexadecimal and display the result

What is binary and what is hexadecimal?

Binary and hexadecimal are two different numbering systems used to represent numbers in computers and other digital devices.

Binary is a base-2 numbering system that consists of only two digits: 0 and 1. It is used to represent numbers in digital devices because the two digits can be easily represented by the two states of a transistor or a digital circuit.

Hexadecimal, on the other hand, is a base-16 numbering system that uses 16 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F. It is often used as a shorthand representation of binary numbers because it is more compact and easier to read than binary.

To sumarise, binary and hexadecimal are different numbering systems used to represent numbers in digital devices, with binary being the most basic and hexadecimal being a more compact representation of binary numbers.

How to convert binary to hexadecimal

Binary to hexadecimal conversion involves grouping binary digits into sets of 4 and then converting each group into its equivalent hexadecimal representation. The conversion process is as follows:

Group the binary digits into sets of 4, starting from the right-most side. If the binary number of digits is not a multiple of 4, add leading zeros to make it a multiple of 4.

Convert each group of 4 binary digits into its equivalent hexadecimal digit. This can be done by using the following table:

Binary | Hexadecimal
0000 | 0
0001 | 1
0010 | 2
0011 | 3
0100 | 4
0101 | 5
0110 | 6
0111 | 7
1000 | 8
1001 | 9
1010 | A
1011 | B
1100 | C
1101 | D
1110 | E
1111 | F


Suppose we have the binary number 110110111101. We first group the binary digits into sets of 4, starting from the right-most side:

1101 | 1011 | 1101

Next, we convert each group of 4 binary digits into its equivalent hexadecimal digit using the table above:

1101 | 1011 | 1101
D | B | D

Therefore, the equivalent hexadecimal representation of the binary number
110110111101 is DBD.